Corporate Social Investment

The Swaziland Sugar Association (SSA), informed by its commitment to the objective of providing a relevant and meaningful social investment programme, associates itself with the need to contribute to the sustainable social development of Swaziland. To support this objective the organization approves an annual budget based on the plan for the year.

Corporate social investment (CSI) is therefore an integral part of SSA’s commitment to sustainable development. It is the primary terrain for branding and enhancing the organization’s reputation as a responsible corporate citizen and a caring partner within communities where the sugar industry operates.

Where these social investment services are outside the realm of SSA’s competence, the organisation shall aim to collaborate with organisations with whom it shares common values in order to ease the partnership and create mutually beneficial relationships.

We are fully committed in implementing our CSI policy to the best interest of our stakeholders. Our policy applies to activities undertaken by or on behalf of SSA.

The current focus of the SSA CSI programme is on the following areas:

· Rural primary education.

· Capacity building and skills development for rural communities.

· Health-care promotion.

· Environmental preservation.

· National disaster relief programmes and activities aimed at vulnerable groups of the community (e.g. elderly, disabled, orphans).

· Development of sports.

· Self-empowering programmes, with the primary focus on youth, women and people with disabilities.

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