Pest & Diseases Control

The Pests and Disease (P&D) Control section administers the pest and disease control regulations, monitors pest and disease incidences and provides advice on the control of pests and diseases to growers.  This function also oversees the production and distribution of primary seed cane to the industry.

This is done through:

  • Monitoring pest and disease levels by field inspection, light trap and delta pheromone trap surveys.
  • Circulating the results of pest and disease surveys to all sugarcane growers.
  • Recommending procedures for controlling pests and diseases to growers
  • Controlling the production and distribution of varieties which are pure and relatively pest and disease free.
  • Issuing plough out orders for fields with excessive smut infection
  • Coordinating production and distribution of primary seed cane by receiving orders from growers and overseeing production and distribution of varietal pure, pests and disease free seed cane.
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